2-5, 2000
Provincial Symposium on Formation (Staten Island, NY)
November 4Feast of St. Charles Borromeo, Scalabrinian Patron Saint
November 13, 2000Provincial Comittee meeting for the Promotion of the laity
November 13- Feast of Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini
- Beginning of Migration Week in the U.S.
November 28On this date in 1887, Bishop Scalabrini received the vows of his first missionaries.
December 18UN - designated International Migrant's Day
December 25Christmas, at which time we remember the Flight into Egypt, the event in which the Holy Family shared most closely the experience of modern refugees
April 30th - May 3rd, 2001Annual Provincial Assembly of Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo -. Participation of Invited SLM Representatives.
June 15th - 17Meeting of the Planning Committee of the SLM Interprovincial Assembly to be held on November 9 - 11, 2001 in Tijuana, Mexico.
June 20thUN - Designated International Refugee Day.
November 2001- 100th anniversary of Blessed Scalabrini's visit to North America.
- November 9th to 11th, 2001 - First Interprovincial Assembly of Lay Scalabrinians in Tijuana, Mexico. Click here to visit assembly site
January 24-27, 2002The First International Conference on Migration and Theology will take place in Tijuana, January 24-27; the title will be: "Migration and Religious Experiences in the Context of Globalization: Theological and Pastoral Perspectives."
August 2002 World Youth Day, Toronto (dates to be confirmed)